Accidents Can Happen

Well kids, the news is out. James and DM are being fruitful and multiplying. While we did not intend this one to come so early, we did know that one more was going to happen. We are not sure if we are going to find out the sex before it comes, but I always lean on the plan and prepare side(with the exception of actually using the birth control.) Whatever this one is I am sure they will be a wonderful compliment to Hailey and Benji.

Dm and I have had a whirlwind couple of days getting to grips with the idea of a third coming so soon. We had a lot of plans this year including, trips to Canada, Africa, Chile and Germany as well as somewhere in the world to celebrate 10 years of Marriage. Yup kids it has been 10 since that August day in 96! I have had a hard time dealing with it, but the great thing is that will all just wash away when I get to hold my little one.
There are still some possiblilities of trips working out. Africa still looks OK, World Cup is looking Shakey, 10 year anniversary is out as that is the probable due date. The one that I am really concerned with though is Telluride 2006. There is a slim possibility that it wont happen now. I am going to do my best to get us there. It may mean taking the new one with us and leaving the others behind, but I really want to committ to the trip this year.
Just plan on the prathers being 5 now and that means the world is 1/5th better now that one more is coming.