Summer is coming!!!

Summer will soon be here in Cali, well at least the first summer. Here in San Clemente we have 2 summers, Pre-June Gloom and Post Gloom The seasons are about April 15-May15 and July 20-October 1. What lies between is a constant fog bank that sits from the beach to the I-5 freeway, about a1/2 mile span.
This summer though things will be a little different. Gone is the constant company that usually comes for a visit. Gone will be the restful weekend mornings with coffee and chit chat. This summer will be the Prather’s Chaos. Piper, our soon to be 3rd child will be ripe and ready for oven removal, our house will be a torn up wreck, we are going to remodel the kitchen and living room. This means that our normal routine will be gone due to a scorched earth policy at 202 avenida de la Riviera.
While I know it will be difficult, I am excited to have the remodel done. It is going to change the look of the place and will suit our needs as entertainers of many friends. As always there is an open invite to anyone who needs some beach time and good company, well except this summer.
Another summer fun for me is the summer beach reading. I have not picked any books out yet, I do have some books about ole General Custer, the Republican Primary during Lincolns run for the Whitehouse, and a few books on spiritual growth, but I don’t have the either thrilling entertainment or blow your mind page turner. If you guys have any ideas for me about good reads, throw them out, I need ideas.
Lastly I love to sit in my reclining beach chair in the sun listening to some good music. I recently purchased Several Arrows Later via Itunes a record by Matt Pond PA. This guy is great. If you get a chance look him up and check his crap out. I will be shakin my head to him as I watch the beachbreak waves down at Rivi beach in San C.
We’ll keep you posted on the completion of the project. Hopefully we will have the late summer to enjoy the new digs, have some BBQ and enjoy the September Sun here on San Clemente’s Riviera.