Friday, January 27, 2006

Update for Andrew West

Well I don't have much to report on. Nothing clever bouncing in the noggin. But my Friend Andrew West Griffin is a constant source of entertaining news for me. While I tend to disagree alot with AWG, I can not help but be impressed with his gifts for storytelling and passion in writing.

Spelunking Through the Chaos is an outstanding sounding board for news that the Communist/Fascist Mainstream media will not print/air. We have debated the validity of some of the content, but the plain fact is that there is a lot out there that can not be easily discarded as false. AWG forces one to ask questions about ones beliefs and whether they are based on facts or b/c somebody you trust told you.

I disagree with the bulk of the conspiracies laid out in Spelunking, I find that the banter we have sharpens me and keeps me honest. Not to mention it is fun to goad AWG every now and then....

Check it out at