Contemplating the Worlds Greatest Game

Most of you have no idea who this man is. Well truth of the matter he is just a boy of 19. The name is Wayne Rooney and he happens to be the most passionate player in the game today. The Game? Football (the round one, not the swine.) I think if any player holds the ideal of determination and hard work, this one does. He is fantastically talented. His skill is equal to the best of Brazil, but it is his power, speed, tactic and ability to run with the ball straight at the defense that stands out. He plays like he has been in the league for ten years. I can't imagine what he will be like when he is 25 much less 30. This man is the future of world soccer. I have been watching him close since his transfer from Everton to Manchester United.
He along with my other favorite player, Alan Smith transferred after the 2003 season. Smith hailed from rivals Leeds. Both players are firebrands and have enourmous cravings for victory. Smith now looks to be the replacement for the role that Roy Keane left late last week. While the team (MUFC) has been having a bit of adjusting to do from injury of the veteran players absence, they are doing remarkably well all things considered. The average age of the team is low , but they still maintain the high top 3 standard in the Premiership in England.
Since the departure of Keane, the question of who to captain the team is constantly on the mind of fans worldwide. I had not even thought of Rooney as a candidate, but a post on a news site got me thinking. This is a kid who is destined to not only be the captain of the Red Devils, he will also captain England within the next 5 years. I think if the Manager was smart he would get this guy the captains band and let it ride.
The only thing this guy has a problem with is his temper and mouth. This is no different though than Beckham, Keane or Cantona, the best Manchester United have ever had. The responsibility might even make the boy more driven to excellence.
I am posting this, one b/c as I grow older I have found my passion for the game has increased and I wish that the rest of this country would start to figure out that this is where America can truly shine. I love this country, but I hate that the sport I love is a 5th class citizen behind all the other games. I am Proud of US Soccer and the teamwork that dominated all the way thru the semis in Korea(they really outplayed Germany regardless of the scoreboard). If we can get the MLS to work like the teams overseas, the possibilities of an American domination of the sport are very probable. So I am asking, On that rainy saturday next summer, take 90 minutes and watch an uninterupted MLS game and then go buy one of the products advertised on the boards. Give it a chance.
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Ronaldhino's skill is incredible, don't get me wrong, but the difference I guess is the attacking style of the two players. I would say that the Brazillian style works very well in a slower paced league like the Spanish La Liga. The truth is you don't see too many Brazillians make it in the Premiership, unless they have incredible pace. Rooneys gift is pace coming straight onto defenders. The defense are instantly on their heels when he starts dribbling the ball heading straight for goal. He forces them to turn without making fancy cuts and turns like Ronaldo or other skill artists must to round the defense.
I would say the other thing is Passion. While it is amazing to watch the best skill players work together in world cup games, it is another to watch a man that is truly passionate about the game beat a team because he wants it more. That is who this guy is.
On a personal note, I find him to be a twit. He is the typical hooligan Brit, but that doesn't change the fact that I get pumped when he gets the ball in the defesive third and starts a b-line for the goal.
Blah blah blah,
Bob LaBlah
how can you call yourself a Europhile Gern? This is their game...
Sorry, Bob borrowed my pc.
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